13 May 2015

Finally Finished

After a very long time, I finally finished my Lyric Book. In the end, I decided not to put the actual lyrics on because I thought that it looked better as it is, without the words.

Here are a few pictures of my book.

This is my front cover, the spray paint stencil.

This is my back cover, the pen portrait.

These are my first and second pages, the light leaks edit and the old photograph with cartoon over the top.

These are my third and forth pages, the Gipi-inspired watercolour and the patterned tile.

Finally, these are my fifth and sixth pages, the pen lightning and another Gipi-inspired watercolour.

30 Apr 2015

Front Page- Finished

After a long time, I finally finished my front page. This means that all my pages are now done.

All I need to do now is compile it all together.

27 Mar 2015

Front Page

For the front page, I decided to do a stencil spray paint where I do different colours for each layer. Here is the first step; I separated each section that I would spray paint a different colour.

This is the full picture with both the colours.

 These are the two layers that will each be spray painted a different colour. I also added the title of the song using a font that I chose from DaFont.

20 Mar 2015

Lightning Strikes!

After having a quick break and doing the 'Pen Tool Worksheet', I carried on with my lyric book. The next page was relatively easy and only took me about an hour. I inverted the colours to make it look more interesting. 

18 Mar 2015

The Pen Tool

Apart from your average pencil, the pen tool on Adobe Illustrator is important when doing art work on the computer. During my graphics lesson, I completed a worksheet on the pen tool. Here it is.

6 Mar 2015

Hero Photograph (Final)

All of my hard work paid off and this is the final piece. My fifth page of my lyric book that I have done... Only a few pages left!


Hero Photograph (W.I.P)

Here are a few images and screenshots of the steps I took to get to my final piece of my Hero Photograph for my fifth page of my lyric book.

As you can see, it took a lot of steps to get to the final piece. I also used my textured brushes that I had made beforehand, this made the lines more unique and imperfect. I really like the look that I created with the brushes.

25 Feb 2015

More Old Photographs

After doing my research, I got stuck in on the art side of it. This isthe picture that I chose (found on Pinterest).

The next thing I did was trace on top of the Photograph, using tracing paper. This is what it looked like with the tracing paper over it. I tried to go for a SuperHero theme since the lyrics were about bravery.

I made up the Logo myself and added the classic 'cape bellowing in the wind' and a simple eye mask too! 

Old Photographs

For the next page in my book, I decided to take some inspiration from the artist Giulia Sagramola. I went straight to Pinterest to do some research for this next task.

This is my Pinboard for my Lyric Book. As you can see, I repinned some old black and white Photographs. 

11 Feb 2015

Textured Brushes

The textured brushes that I designed myself using various art materials and mediums. These were really useful for the next page that I did of my lyric book.

Here is a more 'up-close' image of my brushes. From this angle. you can really see the texture of the lines. This textured look really helped to spice up the look of the images I produced with them.

6 Feb 2015


After doing my Watercolour for my Lyric Book, I decided to edit another one. This is my final outcome. 

4 Feb 2015

The Final Watercolour

This is my final outcome of my Watercolour. I edited some of the colour to make it brighter and more noticeable on Photoshop.

Next Step: Watercolour!

For my next page, I chose to do a watercolour picture of an image to do with my lyrics. Here are a few work-in-progress shots of what I did.

Here is a picture of the whole page in my sketchbook, before I scanned it in.

My Brushes Final

This is my final brushes. I really enjoyed doing this because it looks so good after doing all the work.

15 Jan 2015

Next Step: Brushes

Another one of my pages has hand-drawn patterns filling the background. This is the page I scanned in to go forth and edit.

The Final Edits

This is the final outcome of my photograph edits. On the top row (from left to right) there is; Gradient, Light Leaks, and Black and White. On the bottom row (from right to left) there is; Levels, Overlay, and Hue and Saturation. This task didn't really take very long, and on Photoshop, I can achieve this so much quicker.  

14 Jan 2015

Photograph Edits

For another page of my lyric book, I decided to do a edit of a photograph. Here are a few work in progress shots that I under went to get to the final product. To save time, I did all the edits on the same document. 

12 Dec 2014

The Final Peice

This is the final pattern; another page of my Lana Del Rey 'Lyric Book' completed!

10 Dec 2014

The Second Page

The second page of my lyric book that I did was a pattern. I used Adobe Illustrator to do my pattern. I hand drew all the individual shapes that make it up and scanned them in.
Here are a few work in progress screenshots.

28 Nov 2014

The Final Outcome (Pen Portrait)

After all the work that I did, I finally finished it. This is my Pen Portrait of Lana Del Rey, inspired by James Gulliver Hancock. I drew the outline myself from a photograph I saw on the Internet. I coloured it on Photoshop to really make it pop. 

On The First Page

On the first page, I did a Pen Portrait inspired by the artist James Gulliver Handcock. I did my Portrait of Lana Del Rey because of the fact that I am doing her amazing song: 'Summertime Sadness'. Here are a few working-in-progress images.

27 Nov 2014

The Second Step

The second step, after analysing my lyrics, was to make an Idea Board. I did two separate boards, one for the Imagery of what I want to put on each page and one for the Typing I want on each page.  

21 Nov 2014

Before Begining

Before beginning any work on Photoshop, I took to the hard task of annotating the lyrics of Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey. All the wonderful images that came to my mind whilst reading it, I wrote down! This was hard while doing it but benefited me in the future. 


Before I started my Lyric Book on Summertime Sadness, I researched some Lyric Art on Pinterest. There were loads of cool illustrations that formed the inspiration in my heart that I used to make each page of my Lyric Book. 

22 Oct 2014

Final Outcome (Pic 'n' Mix)

This is my Final Outcome- Pic 'n' Mix. The colour I added myself and the letters were hand drawn. I really did try my best. There were some hurdles I had to overcome, but once I did, there was NO stopping me! 

I will defiantly be using this for my Blog Header. 

Work In Progress

Every Graphic Artist knows that the Final Piece comes after a lot of work. I poured hours and hours into really perfecting my Letter Sheet. I copied each individual letter into a Photoshop Document and manually added the brilliant colours. It was hard, but I got there!