25 Feb 2015

More Old Photographs

After doing my research, I got stuck in on the art side of it. This isthe picture that I chose (found on Pinterest).

The next thing I did was trace on top of the Photograph, using tracing paper. This is what it looked like with the tracing paper over it. I tried to go for a SuperHero theme since the lyrics were about bravery.

I made up the Logo myself and added the classic 'cape bellowing in the wind' and a simple eye mask too! 

Old Photographs

For the next page in my book, I decided to take some inspiration from the artist Giulia Sagramola. I went straight to Pinterest to do some research for this next task.

This is my Pinboard for my Lyric Book. As you can see, I repinned some old black and white Photographs. 

11 Feb 2015

Textured Brushes

The textured brushes that I designed myself using various art materials and mediums. These were really useful for the next page that I did of my lyric book.

Here is a more 'up-close' image of my brushes. From this angle. you can really see the texture of the lines. This textured look really helped to spice up the look of the images I produced with them.

6 Feb 2015


After doing my Watercolour for my Lyric Book, I decided to edit another one. This is my final outcome. 

4 Feb 2015

The Final Watercolour

This is my final outcome of my Watercolour. I edited some of the colour to make it brighter and more noticeable on Photoshop.

Next Step: Watercolour!

For my next page, I chose to do a watercolour picture of an image to do with my lyrics. Here are a few work-in-progress shots of what I did.

Here is a picture of the whole page in my sketchbook, before I scanned it in.

My Brushes Final

This is my final brushes. I really enjoyed doing this because it looks so good after doing all the work.